Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In Memory of DeLos

Thank you for your interest in the woodworking classroom!  I've had many emails and comments on it.  A HUGE thank you for the donations you are making!  It is greatly appreciated and hopefully you will be in a class in this motivating room soon!  This is Hans' second week of Acanthus class and all of the students are enjoying the atmosphere.

A special note: The fresh and 'koselig' look of the woodworking room with its fresh paint, window trim and wainscoting  was made possible by memorial gifts designated to go towards Vesterheim's woodworking education in honor of DeLos Olson's life.  DeLos was himself a woodcarver and especially fond of the acanthus style of carving. We thank those who sent memorials earmarked for this room.  Wouldn't he have loved carving here?

Perhaps this is something that we could all do more of - giving memorials to Vesterheim's education classes.  I know folk artists who have made donations to the rosemaling and weaving classrooms; what a fitting way to honor their passion for their particular folk art.  

Keeping in mind that our first item on the "wish list" is a viewing window, just today one of Vesterheim's friendly shop clerks, Jan, brought a gentleman from Indiana in to visit the carvers.  He was reluctant at first and just stood in the doorway until several of us encouraged him to come in and look things over.  This is one of those times where the viewing window would have been nice . . .  for those too timid to come in, not knowing if they are welcome or not.  He stayed a long time visiting with the carvers and chances are, he may be back for a class.  We found out he has a granddaughter who is starting Luther in the fall and he thought he could combine a class with seeing her.  You just never know!  Thanks, Jan, for bringing him by.

I will continue to post items and progress as things come up.  I do hope you will check into this blog once in awhile.  Again, thank you for your donations thus far!

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